Tumbler now has a book Trailer

If you’d like to explain what Tumbler is about to your friends in a little over a minute, send them this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZtgI_LVwoU

So, What do you think of it?

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My Short Story Collection "The Danny" is now online!

I just published “The Danny” for $2.99 USD on Amazon and Smashwords, which means it’s available on the Kindle, Nook, PC, Mac, iPhone, Android, or e-reader of your choice.

The Danny is the story of a creature unstuck from time, which bounces between realities, looking for an anchor to the world it calls home. Along the way, it runs into several “cusps”, moments of extreme joy and pain. Moments where the world changes. The Danny encounters zombies, time travelers, nanites, alien invasion, mechanized infantry, and magical heroes.

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Sample from my short story collection.

I decided to put some of my short stories together and release them on SmashWords. Some of them you may have seen, others have never been published anywhere.

Here’s a small sample of the book:

The Danny had lost his anchor, his body, and most of his memories. He was bombarded on all sides by lights, pieces of images, parts of sounds. The pieces of reality from different times and dimensions pushed him further downstream.

He had panicked at first when he lost his anchor, when he felt the stream pop him out of his life like a cork from a child’s gun. His child had a gun like that. His child.

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