Banyan Prologue

James Moore left work at 4AM, as usual. The foyer of the building was completely empty. Even the guard station was unmanned. This was not exactly common, but not that unusual either. He pushed the interior glass door open then waited for the click of the exterior door locks to open. Then he shoved his way through the tall glass exterior door.

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WIP from the Hidden Institute sequel

This week, I have written around 1200 words every day. This makes me far more happy than I would be with a single 7k day, because it means I’m getting back into the habit of writing.

To celebrate this good news, here’s a bit I wrote recently that turned out very nice. Hope you like it.



Chester Harrington woke that morning with a song in his heart, and nearly danced his way through the most important day of his life. He oversaw breakfast for his noble parents, helped prepare the bears, and coordinated with the other boys regarding their outfits and the revels to be prepared at halftime.

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Sample from "Discount Miracles"

I just finished editing this section, and I really like how it turned out, so I thought I would share it with you lovely people:


The Prime Minister made a spectacle whenever he moved. Each day Parliament was in session, he was surrounded by analysts, representatives, assistants, and the press. Lackeys and frantic petitioners pushed to gain his attention, and even inside his own office, his workers would vie for attention during that brief opportunity as he walked from one meeting to another.

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