Invito Rex – Chapter 8

InvitoRexCoverYou can find the audio version here

Let me know in the comments what you think of the chapter (and the cover). And throw a buck or two in to support the book, if you like it.



“Somebody has said, that a king may make a nobleman, but he cannot make a gentleman.”
— Edmund Burke

Dizzy slid into the velo and waited for the others to join. This time, only Wendy followed. The Duke was still outside, trying to calm his people.

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Invito Rex – Chapter Seven

InvitoRexCoverYou can find the audio version here:
Part 1
Part 2

Let me know in the comments what you think of the chapter (and the cover). And throw a buck or two in to support the book, if you like it.



“Of the great noble houses, none is so openly hostile to the public as that of the Wilde clan. The Wildes own more property than any other two houses combined. Occasionally, a new scion will make a foray into business, selling off land for influence, but those attempts have never ended well. The most successful of the Wildes have been those who stayed with the family, using rental income to purchase more land, and build upon the largest agricultural center in the Americas.

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You were rude to my friend

8344709There’s this scene from “Cabin in the woods”. The city kids roll into forgottenville gas station, owned by cantankerous old coot. Old Coot (OC) starts telling them about how the old house on the hill is dangerous. He says he’s worked at that station since the war and Daphne asks, “Which war?”

OC jumps at her, “You know damn well which war!”

Shaggy walks up to OC and asks, “Was that maybe the war where some guys wore blue, and others gray? Maybe brother against brother?”

OC steps up to him, towering over the young stoner, “You sassin’ me, boy?”

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