Daisy’s story (from the Hidden Institute)

click here to see the book

Earlier today, I asked if anyone knew which of the characters in the Hidden Institute was originally born in the school. I’d left clues, but I was apparently too subtle, because no one guessed the answer. Rather than spelling out all the clues, I’ll tell you a bit of the backstory. If you’re still interested, you can go back and look up the clues in the book, once you know a bit about the characters.



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Allie and I got married!

Allie and I are perfect for each other. We’ve always known that. Recently, however, we decided to make it official.

A wedding has basically two parts. One is for the legal side, with government papers, health insurance, name changes, etc. The other is a celebration of the event, a party to introduce the new couple to friends and family as husband and wife.

Our problem is that, being heavy into social media, our friends are scattered across the nation. We decided that the best way to have a wedding that included our various friends and family was to have it around Balticon, when most of them are coming out here anyway.

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Tumbler giveaway

For the next seven days (May 29 – June 5) I’ll be giving away a free copy of my Kindle e-book “Tumbler”. If you’d like to be added to the list of giveaway recipients, e-mail me at BrandG@Gmail.com

The giveaway works on a first-come, first-served basis, so get in quick!

And if you’d like to hear the free audiobook, you can find it here.

Due to massive response, I’ve decided to send two copies a day.

From Amazon:

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