Invito Rex is finished!

Okay, not a hundred percent. I still have to fill in a few chapter headings, and I want to let it sit for a bit, and I need to edit it a couple of times, and then send it to a real editor, etc, etc. Still, I’m hoping I’ll be able to get it out there by January or February of next year.

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New sample from Invito Rex

I just finished this chapter heading, which gives a bit of future history about my neo-Victorian world:


It was Abigail Kovacs who made the first Kovacs engine, of course. She started it out in 2070, with a team of engineers, and plans for a self-contained engine that could be sold commercially. When asked about it, she told the world bluntly, “I want my house to fly.”

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Iron Man and “Nothing Happens”

I realized something today. I mean, a lot of this is going to sound obvious, but there’s something that’s been nagging at the back of my mind, and it finally crystalized into a real idea.

Iron Man 2 wasn’t a great movie. It was good, I mean, okay anyway. But not great. And when I think about it, Iron Man 1 kinda sucked near the end.

So what did the first half of the first movie have that the rest of the series didn’t? The most obvious answer is the origin story, but I don’t think that’s it. We’ve all seen origin stories, and everybody knew he was going to turn into Iron Man anyway, so there wasn’t a whole lot of mystery there.

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