Invito Rex – Chapter One

InvitoRexCoverYou can find the audio version here.

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“As the boy becomes the man, so he must bear new burdens of sufferance and sacrifice. A monarch’s duties are, I find, no more heavy than those of a common man; they are, however, more devastating in the breadth of their effect. It is, therefore, with a heavy heart that I must commit these words, that they be recorded truly, and I pray, never acted upon.

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Invito Rex Strategy

0053A few weeks ago, I made schedules, promises, and guesses. Not one of them turned out to be right.

At the beginning of this month, I knew I could edit 2000 words per day if I could just find half an hour a day. I further knew that I was going to have outpatient surgery (nothing dangerous, just something I needed to have done), and I knew the doctor was going to have me stay in bed for a week. I also knew that I was a good worker, and that if I was going to be laid up for a week, I would be able to put at least four hours a day into my editing.

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We all have to earn free speech

I don’t like this feeling. I don’t like being scared of my friends.nospeech_fullsize

A long time ago, I heard the stories of Anita Hill. I wasn’t really political at the time, so I’m going to tell it the way it appeared to me, through the lens of the broadcast news. As near as I could tell, a judge had made sexual jokes and advances to a woman who wasn’t interested. She didn’t call him on it, because he was her boss or something. Instead, it just sat there.

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