Invito Rex – Chapter Two

InvitoRexCoverYou can find the audio version here.

Let me know in the comments what you think of the chapter (and the cover). And throw a buck or two in to support the book, if you like it.




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Invito Rex – Chapter One

InvitoRexCoverYou can find the audio version here.

Let me know in the comments what you think of the chapter (and the cover). And throw a buck or two in to support the book, if you like it.


“As the boy becomes the man, so he must bear new burdens of sufferance and sacrifice. A monarch’s duties are, I find, no more heavy than those of a common man; they are, however, more devastating in the breadth of their effect. It is, therefore, with a heavy heart that I must commit these words, that they be recorded truly, and I pray, never acted upon.

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Invito Rex Strategy

0053A few weeks ago, I made schedules, promises, and guesses. Not one of them turned out to be right.

At the beginning of this month, I knew I could edit 2000 words per day if I could just find half an hour a day. I further knew that I was going to have outpatient surgery (nothing dangerous, just something I needed to have done), and I knew the doctor was going to have me stay in bed for a week. I also knew that I was a good worker, and that if I was going to be laid up for a week, I would be able to put at least four hours a day into my editing.

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We all have to earn free speech

I don’t like this feeling. I don’t like being scared of my friends.nospeech_fullsize

A long time ago, I heard the stories of Anita Hill. I wasn’t really political at the time, so I’m going to tell it the way it appeared to me, through the lens of the broadcast news. As near as I could tell, a judge had made sexual jokes and advances to a woman who wasn’t interested. She didn’t call him on it, because he was her boss or something. Instead, it just sat there.

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Fund the next Cthulhu Episode!

CthulhuBig“Calls For Cthulhu” is a free YouTube comedy show that I publish sporadically. I’ve done so less and less frequently, and it’s because I have to spend a lot of time on paying gigs.

Recently, a viewer asked where they could put money in to pay for a new episode, so I put this together.

Here’s the deal. You click on that link, make a donation, and tell me if you are okay with me using your name in the show. When we reach a set amount for each episode (currently $500), I will stop work on my other projects, and put together another episode. In that new episode, I will list the names of everyone who donated to that episode and thank them in the credits.

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The Cost of Cthulhu

CthulhuBigRecently, a Calls For Cthulhu viewer asked, “When does episode 12 come out?”

I’d say that half of the comments left on C4C episodes are “When does the next episode come out?” which is flattering, but it makes me feel bad. In this case, I just responded, “That’s just a question of time and money. Unfortunately, I’m short on both. I may try another kickstarter for the next one.”

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30 Second Bomb

Yesterday, I took a scene from one of my favorite books, and explored it in a bit of flash fiction called “The 30-second bomb”. It’s a little darker than my usual stuff, but I hope you like it all the same. I’ve also included an audio version here.



“I am a thirty-second bomb.”

The creature pulled itself up onto diminutive legs and regarded those before him. As expected, a few people got the message and began to run. Some others began to wail and scream, as they searched for the exits. The rest merely gaped at him.

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I’m self published

BOOKSo, I’m an author, among other things. I’m not a wildly successful author, but that’s okay because I feel like I’m still in the learning phase of my career. All the same, I self-identify as an author.

It says something about our culture that, when I tell strangers I’m an author, they ask, “Really? Are you published?”

Fifty years ago, I don’t think that would be the first question. I think they would ask “Where are you published?” or “Have you written anything I’d have heard of?”. But these days, people know just enough about publishing to know that there’s a difference between a big-6 published author and a vanity press author. And yes, for many people, those are the only two possibilities. Either you’re James Patterson, or you’re the “Time Cube” guy.

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Ten Steps to Start a New Book.

BOOKToday, I’m starting a new project. This is the sequel to “Invito Rex” and the closure to the first three books in the “Noblesse Oblige” series.

Before I write a single word, these are the steps I have to go through:

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A Night and a Day of Rendering

I’ve been working recently with my cover designer, Lucie LeBlanc, and she hit on the idea of featuring one of my favorite characters on the cover. This is a small robot named Sceptre, about the size of a pocket watch who supports the king. In my head, I had always pictured him looking like one of the tiny clanks that Agatha Heterodyne created in “Girl Genius“. Lucie and I started working on an image that would fit this character, and so I tried to sketch out what I thought it would look like. This was my first attempt.

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