Archives for November 2013

No Morning Walk today

Y’know, it’s funny. Just yesterday, I left two unintentional foreshadowing clues in the Morning Walk. The first one was when I coughed and said, “Boy, I hope I’m not coming down with something.” The second one was later when, in my hubris, I talked about how I would not let myself stop doing the Morning Walk. I said that external forces like extreme weather or illness might knock me out of commission for a little while, but that I would not let anything else get in my way.

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Invito Rex – Chapter 12

InvitoRexCoverYou can find the audio version here

Let me know in the comments what you think of the chapter (and the cover). And throw a buck or two in to support the book, if you like it.

Also, if you’d like to pre-order the full e-book, you can find it here.



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Invito Rex – Chapter 11

InvitoRexCoverYou can find the audio version here

Let me know in the comments what you think of the chapter (and the cover). And throw a buck or two in to support the book, if you like it.

Also, if you’d like to pre-order the full e-book, you can find it here.



“Of all the finest noble clans, house Becket is surely the most entertaining. It is said by the historian Ebersman that ‘every house has held the big stick at one time or another. The Beckets were the only ones to play fetch.’

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