Archives for April 2011

Worth and Cost

As a professional writer, I write for money. I work hard on my writing, to make it as good as it can be. However, as a self-publisher, I also work hard on selling my writing. These are two different aspects of the business, the artist and the publisher. The artist wants to say that a story is an ephemeral thing, born of sweat and inspiration, worthy of telling to kings and scholars. The artist feels that each story is special, precious, and worthy of protecting at all costs.

The publisher wants to make money.

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Tumbler now has a book Trailer

If you’d like to explain what Tumbler is about to your friends in a little over a minute, send them this link:

So, What do you think of it?

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My Short Story Collection "The Danny" is now online!

I just published “The Danny” for $2.99 USD on Amazon and Smashwords, which means it’s available on the Kindle, Nook, PC, Mac, iPhone, Android, or e-reader of your choice.

The Danny is the story of a creature unstuck from time, which bounces between realities, looking for an anchor to the world it calls home. Along the way, it runs into several “cusps”, moments of extreme joy and pain. Moments where the world changes. The Danny encounters zombies, time travelers, nanites, alien invasion, mechanized infantry, and magical heroes.

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